To Boldly Go into Colliding Galaxy Clusters
Submitted by chandra on Wed, 2018-11-14 17:00
Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Leiden Univ./F. de Gasperin et al;

USS Enterprise NCC 1701
Credit: Smithsonian National
Air & Space Museum
Hidden in a distant galaxy cluster collision are wisps of gas resembling the starship Enterprise — an iconic spaceship from the "Star Trek" franchise.
Galaxy clusters — cosmic structures containing hundreds or even thousands of galaxies — are the largest objects in the Universe held together by gravity. Multi-million-degree gas fills the space in between the individual galaxies. The mass of the hot gas is about six times greater than that of all the galaxies combined. This superheated gas is invisible to optical telescopes, but shines brightly in X-rays, so an X-ray telescope like NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is required to study it.